Approved by AICTE , New Delhi & Affiliated to HSBTE, Panchkula

Green Buildings


The college premises is kept neat and clean properly by the team of sweepers by catering to management solid waste. The biodegradable waste from the campus area is collected in a pit and then converted into bio manure and is used in the college campus for plants and trees. The college campus is full of greenery with maximum possible trees and plants in the whole campus. The team of gardeners monitor and maintain whole campus to keep it full of greenery.


The rain water coming from the roof top and from the campus premises is harvested by the means of rainwater harvesting units installed in the campus. Regular sessions students and faculty are organised to make them aware about the conservation of the water. Students were also made aware by teaching them about the usefulness of the water with minimum possible consumptions with the motto that aware students will make their neighbourhood aware as well. The indoor air quality is extremely good as the building is fully oriented with outside environment and natural landscapes around. The campus is full of greenery and plants. Anti-smoking lectures are also conducted for the students to make them aware about bad affects of smoking on our as well our surrounding peoples.

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